Nov 3, 2010

My prediction for 2012 Republican Presidential Ticket

One of the joys of having this little personal blog is that I can indulge my favorite hobby-- to be able to say "I said that this would happen."  This post is to go on record with my prognostication for the republican ticket in 2012.  That way I can say, "See?.."
or, more likely, "Well, I don't  know diddly about politics, and never said I did."  (That latter statement is true.)
Here goes:
Republican Nominee for President, 2012, Mitch Daniels, Governor of Indiana
Republican Nominee for Vice-President, 2012, Marc Rubio, newly elected Senator from Florida.
This prediction should in no way be considered an endorsement of the above.  I'm just having fun with my told-you-so hobby.  You, dear reader, may have been a recipient of such statements in the past regarding all manner of things, and you know that I live for the times when you say something to me like,  "Do you remember way back in 2007, Judy when you told me to sell my house now rather than to wait for the price to improve?"  Well, you were right!
Now, if you REALLY want to have fun with me, why don't you counter --in the comments -- with your own predictions.  And then we can compare our prescience in September 2012 (God willing).

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