Jan 21, 2011

An Expert's Comments on IOM Vitamin D-Calcium Report

Digesting the IOM's recent report on recommendations for calcium and Vitamin D seems to be as difficult for me as absorbing Vitamin D itself.  I'm on the second read, word for word.  I'm not a trained nutrition scientist, but I  know a bias toward the null (i.e., no benefit) when I read it.  Still, it's reasoned and thorough, so I've been reluctant to comment, as I know a bias toward the positive (my own) when I feel it. 
But, here is a comment in the Newsletter of the Harvard School of Public Health put out by two leading researchers on nutrition, one of them a legendary figure in nutrition and epidemiology, Walter Willett.  It rings true to me.  Let me know what you think.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Here is the Harvard post along with context as to who one of the authors is. http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=1335