Mar 17, 2010

"But, Medicare works so well for me..."

That quote comes from one of my most devoted readers, whose name will go unmentioned. In my never-ending effort to convince him/her that it only works well until it doesn't work, for example, when one cannot find an endocrinologist who will accept a new Medicare patient, I am attaching an interesting article about a new trend among cardiologists -- charging an annual access fee to Medicare patients. This appears to be legal if carefully crafted, and I for one applaud it, provided that I will be able to afford it when my own internist decides it's time to do that same. My doc is worth it, because he does old-style actual communicating-type medicine, and I'd gladly pay extra for those phone calls and email access, etc. But, please, not too much extra $$, buddy, okay? Here's the article from the KFF Website, "As Medicare Pay Shrinks, Some Doctors..."

1 comment:

Clare Gnecco, PhD said...

Thanks, Judy. This is going on already. I just received a bill for $200 from my internist who said she can't stay in practice without doing this.
