Mar 10, 2010

What the Senate health reform bill would do for women...but not for men

It's been a long time since I've posted on anything, especially on health reform, because I've been so conflicted. I want to see universal health coverage, and I want to see a regulated health exchange. To me, the Republicans' proposals are insipid because they ignore the realities of the individual insurance market. In short, insurance companies can't offer insurance to all with community rating in the individual and small business markets so long as health insurance is not mandatory, or at least difficult to escape without penalty. So, I want to see reform, and I care about it a lot for my family and friends.
But, those Democrats! Here's a perfect example of the problem. My own Senator Mikulski, ultra-liberal from Maryland, introduced with much emotion (and a speech laden with either stupid inaccuracies or outright lies -- I think the former) a bill that would cover annual preventive visits to doctors for all women for free. Here is Mikulski's own summary of her amendment. The Amendment passed with 61 votes and is part of the final Senate bill.
CBO estimated that it would add about a billion to costs over 10 years. But that's the cost of only about 5 years of actual coverage, since the law wouldn't go into effect until 4 years down the line.
What galls me is the over-reach of the liberals in both the Senate and House, not to mention the recent White House sweeteners, to mandate a rich set of benefits, when what people really need is to be covered when they are sick and scared.
What also galls me in particular about Mikulski is her discrimination against men. And I'm not even one.
I don't trust the Republicans when they say that they want to "just start over", but I can't trust the Democrats not to lard up a bill with new spending.
Bottom line: I hope it passes. Then I hope that the bill will be amended to take out all the stupid stuff, and add to taxes to pay for it. These hopes are also stupid, I know. That's why I haven't been blogging recently.

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