Feb 26, 2011

Fracking for natural gas, or conserving at the pump?

The new fracking technology proposed by the natural gas industry promises to reduce energy costs in the near term, but at what cost to the environment?  Fracking began in the US in Wyoming, and the current action is in Pennsylvania, New York State, and even Maryland.  Here is a ProPublica article on the impact of fracking on fresh water in Wyoming.  It's long but gripping.
Meanwhile, I'm cheering the rising price of oil, due to international events and China's demand, which may lead us Americans to start conserving at the pump.  There's nothing like $4.50 a gallon to get one to start thinking about high-mileage cars.  A gas tax that would get us there-- coupled with fixed dollar relief through payroll tax holidays and social security checks -- is what I think is the only sensible long-run energy-related response to so many problems:  balance of payments, federal deficit,  national security, and global warming,
Especially if you live in New York, Maryland or Pennsylvania, and are alarmed by what's happening in the shale bed regions of those states, you can pass on the Propublica article.   People should start contacting their state legislators about this before it's permanently too late. 

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