Apr 1, 2011

Tales of Two Fracking States: PA and MD

I just read a ProPublica report on Pennsylvania's department of environmental protection's new rule requiring inspectors to get all violations of natural gas drilling operations approved by the head of the agency.  Implication:  this is bad for the environment.  But I'm not so sure.  If human being regulators are susceptible to corruption, isn't it better to have one central actor to blame when the stuff hits the fan?  Having a lot of manipulatable inspectors with the power of the citation is not my idea of responsible regulation.  Nevertheless, PA seems hellbent on sucking the stuff out of the bowels of the earth.

Maryland, on the other hand, is delaying, studying, etc., according to the Washington Post's article a few days ago.  Will that be any better in the end? 

Oh, we of little faith -- science is our hope.  science is our folly.  Which?

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